Can cows self-select nutrients in just the right amounts to satisfy their needs? Having seen how they gorge themselves on barley, suffering acute acidosis and (in one case) death as a result, I would say not.
However, Mark Bader is a man who thinks they can, specifically when balancing their mineral requirements. Mark is President of "Free Choice Enterprises" and has carried out some fascinating work into the subject. His website can be found at
Mark Bader in full flow, explaining his theory of self-selection minerals, among other things
The result of his hypothesis and subsequent investigations is that he likes to give cattle free access to fifteen different mineral formulations, plus salt. Greg Judy had one of Mark's self feeders in with his cows. Interestingly, Greg says it was noticeable and measurable that the cows changed the types and quantites of each mineral depending on the paddock being grazed. Put them into an old, stockpiled paddock and the ratio of the amounts of each mineral consumed would be different from if they were grazing, say, a lush green pasture with seedheads just forming.
Mark Bader-designed mineral self-feeder. The tray is covered with a heavy rubber lid, attached along the centreline of the feeder. The cattle soon learn to lift the rubber lid to gain access to the minerals underneath
The compartments below the rubber lid. There are eight compartments on each side of the feeder, each one holding a different mineral mixture or salt. The feeder is on skids and is dragged along by the ATV into each grazing paddock
Mark argues that an excess of one type of mineral has serious consequences as it almost invariably locks up some other vital trace element causing a 'deficiency'. He makes the point that providing a 'compound, balanced' mineral block might actually be giving the cows too much of something and may be doing the cattle more harm than good.
It's an interesting theory and one I would love to explore further. I did think about putting some of Mark's minerals into my suitcase to try out here in the UK, but wasn't sure what Customs and Excise would make of a carrier bag of white powder stuffed between my dirty laundry and my wash bag....
Greg Judy has had decades of great success with this self-select mineral feeding program. His cattle and sheep are the best looking examples you'll find. So are his pastures. I was just looking for college-level research on this type of system and have found zero. I suppose I'll quit looking and stop bemoaning the sad state of "modern ag" where they want you to calculate and adjust per animal type and situation and HOPE that you're not causing more problems than you are creating. It's just crazy we're that far behind in general knowledge. Spread the word, cafe-minerals just plain works. I don't have grazers yet, but they shall indeed have sixteen discrete minerals to choose from-as Nature directs them. What Greg Judy has also noticed is that the mineral consumption from his feeders is less and less as the pastures become more balanced from the excess that is excreted from the grazers. That's the BEAUTY of the system. You don't need a soil test to adjust the minerals in your pastures for specific plants or animals, just let Nature do it through the animals and their needs. The cafe-feeder is a shortcut to better pastures and animal performance. I am Wade Patton of Woodbury.
ReplyDeleteThanks Wade. Unfortunately, here in the UK, free-choice minerals are not allowed by law (which is crazy). We’re forced to pay over the odds for filler and the odd mineral….
ReplyDeleteWhen women are pregnant they will begin to crave nutrients that they are deficient in which is why some women will begin to eat copious amounts of ice (which has iron) or want ice cream (calcium) and/or pickles (vinegar - blood sugar control, anti-microbial). Our bodies, if we are in tune with them, will tell us what it needs; it's been created to do so.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I should have added that animals are the same way. Their bodies will tell them what they need.
DeleteThanks for your comments. I agree, though unfortunately our bodies also tell us we need fat, sugar and salt, and if we can get all three in a specific ratio then our bodies think “happy days”! Unfortunately the ultra-processed food manufacturers also know this and so many of the “foodstuffs”(!) they produce are balanced to make use both crave it and not feel sated once we’ve eaten it.